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President Chairs


Angel Li

Respected delegates, directors, student officers, and guests, welcome to the Human Rights Council.


My name is Angel Li, I am currently a sophomore at Hangzhou International School. It is my distinct honor and privilege to serve as your chair for West Lake MUN XVIII: One Step Back, Two Steps Forward. My experience in MUN has been extensive, as I’ve had the fortune to attend conferences as both a delegate and a chair. Through these enriching experiences I can guarantee you self-improvement, perspective, debate, learning opportunities, and building new relations during your time at the conference.


I encourage you to grapple this chance and use it to your advantage; make friends, learn from the more experienced, raise a POI, and go up to the podium. As your chair, I offer my full assistance and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t be afraid to contact me via email at I am confident that the upcoming debates will be fruitful and insightful.


Aditya Sharma

Esteemed delegates, directors, student officers, and guests, welcome to the Human Rights Council.


My name is Aditya Sharma, and I am a freshman at Hangzhou International School. It is an honor to be serving as your deputy chair for West Lake MUN XVII. This will be my 10th conference, yet my first conference chairing. Through my years of experience, I can confirm that there will be fruitful debate, understanding of different perspectives from different nations and delegates, opportunities to learn new facts through your research and debate, becoming more confident as a person in general, and making new friends during your time at the conference.


Thought-provoking debates enrich the Human Rights Council in addressing pivotal human rights challenges accurately and professionally. Delegates get an opportunity to advocate for the freedoms against discrimination and for social justice.  Use this as your chance to shine! Try to outdo yourself! Make POI’s, make amendments, and do not be shy, for this is where you should be most confident. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email at


Thank you for participating in this year’s West Lake MUN.

©2025-2026 West Lake Model United Nations Secretariat

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