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President Chairs


Harang Liu

Esteemed delegates, directors, student officers and guests, welcome to UNICEF! My name is Harang Liu, I am currently a sophomore at Lycée Français de Shanghai (LFS) and it is my absolute honor to be serving as your president for the upcoming WLMUN conference One step back, two steps forward.


Although I have participated only three conferences beforehand, it is my absolute honor to be serving as chair for the first time. From my past experiences as a delegate, MUN is far more than just a debate club, the excitement of meeting new students from all around the world is truly a remarkable experience. The advices I will give to delegates is that everyone starts from zero, in my case I was extremely shy and make speeches or even POIs at my first conference. So for everyone involved in UNICEF for the upcoming conference, I would remind everyone to not hesitate to make speeches and amendments, because confidence is key.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns coming into the WLMUN conference via email at Looking forward to meeting you all!


Amber Lam

Hi delegates! I’m Amber, and it is my utmost honor to serve as deputy chair for UNICEF in West Lake MUN XVIII. I am currently a freshman at Hangzhou International School, and this will be my 9th conference throughout my MUN journey. I am also a member of the WLMUN Secretariat team. West Lake MUN Jr was my first ever conference, and I just happened to be in UNICEF as well. Throughout my four years in MUN, I have attended three WLMUN conferences and each one has been more rewarding that I could’ve even hoped for.


I will be focusing on the first topic, eradicating child labor through comprehensive legislative frameworks and international collaboration. I look forward to our three days of fruitful debate and collaboration, and I hope West Lake MUN will give you as much in return as it has for me!


You can contact me if you have any questions at

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