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Hangzhou International School

November 8-10 2024


One Step Back, Two Steps Forward

There are...


Esteemed directors, fellow delegates, and distinguished guests,

It is an honor and privilege to host the Eighteenth Plenary Session of the West Lake Model United Nations at Hangzhou International School. After a three year hiatus from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to welcome schools from all around China again. 

This year's theme: One Step Back, Two Steps Forward encapsulates the essence of progress in the face of adversity. It acknowledges that setbacks and obstacles are an inevitable part of any journey towards positive change. However, it also emphasizes the resilience, determination, awnd unwavering spirit required to overcome these setbacks and advance towards a better future.

We are honored to host seven committees, including the Economic and Social Council, Historical Security Council, General Assembly I, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, Environmental Commission, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, and the Human Rights Council.

Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us directly at We look forward to meeting you at WLMUN in November!

Model United Nations Secretariat

of Hangzhou International School

“When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world.”
—Norman Vincent Peale

Participating Schools

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