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Issues of Debate
  • Addressing the ongoing occupation of Cyprus
  • Cenepa War (1995)
Historic Security
Council (HSC)

President Chairs


Arthur Vadnjal

Dear delegates - Greetings!
It is an honour to serve you all as the president chair for Historic Security Council.

My name is Arthur Vadnjal and I am a senior at the Canadian International School of Beijing. I have been a part of my school’s MUN program since grade 7 and over the past six years, I have attended 12 conferences. Despite my plentiful attendance at MUN conferences, this is my first time chairing. What drew me to MUN all these years was not only the thrill of debate but also the many connections I have garnered through MUN. MUN is an invaluable forum for all to share ideas, collaborate on a solution, and create bonds that would not have been possible otherwise.


During this conference, I will aim to make sure that everyone will have a voice to be heard in debate and to foster an encouraging, collaborative and competitive atmosphere. I know that all of you will do great and you will also shine bright at WLMUN XVIII. 

If any of you would like to contact me, you can email I look forward to meeting all of you!


Federico Xu

Dear delegates - Greetings! It is an honour to serve you all as the Deputy president for Historic Security Council. My name is Federico Xu and I am a junior at the Hangzhou International School.


I was in my school MUN progarm for 4 years. This conference will be the second year that I will be chairing. To me MUN is not only a place that we spend time fighting for what we believe is right. It is the people that we meet and the topic that we have that is important. I hope that our committee room can be filled with not only debating but also laughter. I hope that everyone coming to WLMUN XVIII will have a great time. I can't wait to see the room be full of delegates.

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